- We'll help you apply your tools or ours.
- CAD and Mesh generation
- Problem setup
- Simulations
- Postprocessing
- We provide software analysis and design
- both object oriented and traditional
- for electromagnetics, quantum mechanics,
and other sciences
- C/C++
- FORTRAN95 - Yes, a lot of hard core science
codes are using it. (our inFants tool will make understanding
it a breeze, contact us for a free
- We perform software validation
- We can help you find out why your answers aren't right.
- Verify that your implimentation matches your formulation.
- Write test suites and stubs to help you assure future modifications
don't propagate errors into validated code segments.
- Believe it! We find that half of our clients' mistakes were
actually in the analytical formulations, and we know how to find